Haben Deutsche keine Humor? Was ist typisch deutsche Humorlosigkeit?
Kraljica Katica
2006-06-14 00:52:27 UTC
Haben Deutsche keine Humor? Was ist typisch deutsche Humorlosigkeit?
Sechs antworten:
2006-06-15 09:11:24 UTC
Sie haben kein Humor aber doch wann sie sind im Urlaub.
2006-06-14 11:02:48 UTC
Nein, meinen deutsche Freund habe Humor!
2006-06-14 03:17:13 UTC
"Deutsche haben keinen Humor ..." - so würde ich das nicht sagen ... Jedes Volk, jedes Land hat eine eigene Art von Humor ...

I wouldn´t call it that way ... Every nation, every country has it´s own kind of humour ...
Claudia S
2006-06-14 02:27:42 UTC
zum Beispiel solche Fragen zu stellen und/oder immer auf allen schlechten rumzutrommeln, anstatt das gute zu sehen.
Tony Bologni
2006-06-14 02:15:31 UTC
Da kann ich doch nur lachen! :-)
2006-06-14 01:57:10 UTC
‘Interestingly, Germans did not express a strong preference for any type of joke - this may well explain why they came first in our league table of funniness – they do not have any strong preferences and so tend to find a wide spectrum of jokes funny.’

Top joke in Germany

A general noticed one of his soldiers behaving oddly. The soldier would pick up any piece of paper he found, frown and say: “That's not it” and put it down again. This went on for some time, until the general arranged to have the soldier psychologically tested. The psychologist concluded that the soldier was deranged, and wrote out his discharge from the army. The soldier picked it up, smiled and said: “That's it.”

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